• How to … ?

    How to work with data in module Statistics? To view detailed information according to the type of activity, click on the selected type of activity eg. Client (1) and expand the activities falling within the client, which can then be further clicked (2) to view the results of the activities….

  • How to … ?

    How to set calendar view and activity name settings? Setting / changing the time of calendar ie. from when to when you enter activities in Settings (1) > Calendar Settings (2). Choose whether you want to view the name of the activity (3). Set the time range of your calendar…

  • Introduction of the Calendar module

    The calendar is the “Heart and Brain” of the Calendee system, with which all other modules are connected. All activities performed in Calendar are automatically saved to the other modules of the system. Among other things, this module allows you to share the Calendar and send invitations, room reservations/resources, which…

  • Introduction of the Tasks module

    The Tasks module is your “memory” and at the same time your “assistant”, which will remind you of everything you need and warn you of what you might forget. It monitors both tasks assigned and received. You can assign tasks to individuals or multiple colleagues at the same time. You…

  • How to … ?

    How to create a task? You can create a task in several ways. It depends on whether you want to quickly enter multiple tasks at once. Or fill in all the attributes for an individual task. Possibly. create an entire project with tasks. Create a task directly in your calendar…

  • How to … ?

    How to add new contacts? To quickly enter new contacts, click on the New Contact icon (1). You will see a table for filling in the basic data -> Use the Plus button (1) to add rows to the table. To save the completed contacts, select the save icon (2)….

  • Introduction of the Contacts module

    View and search for contacts (1) New Contact– If you need to add several contacts at once, click on the Add Contact icon and you will see a simple table where you can add basic information and save. (2) To view the advanced search, click on the arrow and you…

  • Reminders and confirmations

    Mobile reminder If you have the system synchronized with your mobile phone, you can use the reminder in advance that will be displayed on your mobile phone. Then just press the Save icon to confirm the settings. A recurring event is indicated in the calendar by a square from the…

  • How to make a room or resource reservation?

    Make a reservation It’s very easy to make a reservation. When entering an activity in the calendar, click Room and Resource Reservations on the right (1), then Click Add to Event (2). In the new dialog box you will see a box for finding a suitable room/resource for your event….

  • How to create rooms and resources for reservation?

    Reserve resources Reservation of rooms/resources can be found in the Calendar module in the left column under the Reservations tab. Create a room/resource for reservations Creating a feed is very easy. Click to open the Reservations tab (1). After expanding the tab, click New Room (2). A new dialog box…